I’ve just returned from five days of crazy improvisation and Dadaist art happenings with Jean-Hervé Péron and Amaury Cambuzat from Krautrock legends Faust. It all took place at the amazing Camp at the base of the Pyrenees.
I took a lot away from the event and to be honest am still processing it. However, if I had to boil down what I learned into a series of unsatisfying bullet points I’d say:
- Disruption – breaking down my existing approach and thoughts about making music and letting in new and exciting ideas
- Confidence – I’ve never been a great instrumentalist but I felt a lot more confident in my skills after a week of playing with others. I mainly stuck to bass and drums (drums being my first instrument) but also had a fair crack on guitar and psalter.
- Walking around chanting “Rund ist schön” (Jean-Hervé’s mantra) is about as far from my day to day life as is possible but was wonderfully fun and liberating
- Improvisation is fun – and the most important thing is listening to others and not playing
- Just do it!